Why did I start freelancing? My journey
It was 2017 and I was a random kid out of school with dreams about college. I wanted a hip and happening life. I also wanted a secure job by the end of it, where I could get a fat cheque every month. Moreover, I believed in heartwarming romance that sway you away.
But, life happened. I did my graduation from a local university with a Bachelor of Arts. During this time, I was sad and alone. I taught at the TIME institute, Rishikesh, and also gave tuition classes for 3 years. But nothing seemed to make me happy.
Now I will not bore you with the details about the darkest 3 years of my life. But get this — I was miserable and wanted a purpose to live.
In the final year of my graduation, I stumbled onto my one true love from the past — writing. Only, now it was content writing and not writing books. (I was obsessed with this in school.)
How did it all begin?
It was March 2021, the second year of Covid, and I was in lockdown with my family. As the world experimented with Dalgona coffee, I experimented with content writing. (Hell, it’s the only skill I had.)
And so, it began. I applied for multiple internships, out of which I got selected for one. It was a video marketing agency based in Delhi, India. I interned there for 3 months while simultaneously applying for other internships. Why? Because I was thirsty for knowledge.
Interning ignited my love for writing, and the flames were burning like wildfire. I ended up doing 3 internships in a matter of 5 months.
- First in the video marketing agency
- Second in the digital marketing agency
- Third in a 5-star resort in Mumbai
All remote.
This boosted my confidence and I realized that I actually can become a content writer.
Started Freelancing
During my last internship, I realized I can’t work for peanuts anymore. I wanted to put my heart and soul into writing and make more money. So, I joined a course. It taught freelance content writing among other things like online coaching and social media management.
There, I learned the nits and grits of content writing and jumped into the freelance world. And man was it hard! I soon realized that this requires a lot more effort than I had thought.
I created a portfolio and started pitching. I took consultation calls from experts in this field and met amazing people on the way. I created a lot of content on Instagram and LinkedIn — my target was to get inbound leads.
Soon, a content writing agency hired me to write blogs for them. I still work with them. Along with this, I got multiple writing gigs — generally small — which made me grow as a content writer.
Cut to the present
So, that’s how I become the most successful freelance writer in the world…just kidding.
It’s the 18th of January 2022 and I’m writing this because I know, in order to become a good writer, I must write. I must learn to put my thoughts in words in a way that readers can visualize them. That’s why I’m writing this. And what’s the best way to begin than documenting your own journey.
With this blog, I put my journey out here for you to read. From now on, I will upload blogs on the niches that I write in because creating good samples is a crucial part of the process.
I hope I’ve kept you engaged in my story. If you’ve reached here, you must check out my Instagram and LinkedIn.
Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to follow, like, or comment. Just see what I do and if it resonates, drop a hi. I would love to talk or work with you.
This is me, signing off…or signing in to the world of writing.